23 August  2022      


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putting this material together, and we sincerely hope that you enjoy reading it!


An Urgent Wake-Up Call
Stephen C. Paul

If You Can't Be the Tablecloth
Patti LaBelle

The Seventh Day
Matthew Kelly



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Simple and Profound Thoughts

If we fight against the waves that pass over us in life, we are overpowered.  If we move with the waves in life as they roll over us, the wave passes on.

Pesikta Zurtarti

The happy and efficient people in this world are those who accept trouble as a normal detail of human life and resolve to capitalize it when it comes along.

H. Bertram Lewis

The biggest secret of self-esteem is this:  Begin to appreciate other people more, show respect for any human being merely because he or she is a child of God and therefore a "thing of value."

Maxwell Maltz

The human soul has still greater need of the ideal than of the real.  It is by the real that we exist; it is by the ideal that we live.

Victor Hugo



An Urgent Wake-Up Call to Live More Simply, Harmoniously, and Respectfully
Stephen C. Paul

On November 23rd, 1993 Native American prophecy was fulfilled when a delegation representing the North American indigenous nations addressed a gathering at the United Nations building in New York. Hopi prophecies had directed messengers to knock four times on the imposing doors of the UN in an attempt to deliver an appeal to the peoples of the world. The messengers began knocking in 1948. It took 45 years for the last living messenger to finally gain access. The Cry of the Earth Conference resulted from that fourth—and final—knock. Native American elders took that opportunity to deliver the prophecies of their spiritual leaders concerning the state of the earth and the people living upon it.

Their message was clear and very simple: The long-predicted time of purification is already under way. The elders pleaded that we heed The Creator’s original instructions to the indigenous peoples and voluntarily return to living in more simple, harmonious, and respectful ways. The prophecies warned that, should we choose to ignore this message, erratic weather patterns, earth movements, starvation, violence, and war would occur with everincreasing frequency and intensity.

We live at a time when Native American prophecies and contemporary scientific predictions are converging and manifesting before our eyes. When we read the morning paper or watch the evening news, we are literally witnessing those predicted events unfold. While there are occasional, encouraging, isolated bright spots of technological advance and humanitarian action, I still see very little evidence that we are seriously heeding the warnings.

My purpose is to reissue that call. I am asking each of you to voluntarily commit to living in ways that are simpler, more respectful, and more harmonious—more in line with The Creator’s original instructions. You, as an individual, must choose how you will respond. Will you voluntarily make the required changes in your lifestyle? If you do, there’s no question that it will have a positive affect on you, the people around you, and the earth upon which you live. You will bring the benefits of simplicity, harmony, and respect into your own personal life. You will prepare yourself to pass through the predicted challenges ahead more successfully and with greater ease and grace. In addition, you will provide a muchneeded positive example for others to follow.

I have written this four part article to help you implement your commitment. In the first two parts, I suggest a number of specific steps you can take to achieve a greater simplicity—both internal and external—in you life.

Part I: Five Steps to Simplify Your Inner World

Any unresolved issues you carry inside can distort your perceptions of the world, inhibit your personal options, and make you more vulnerable to stressful life events. You’ve probably heard the saying, "Wherever you go, there you are." Well, it’s absolutely true. In order to live more fully, and flow more fluidly with disruptive changes, it is essential that you free yourself of any remaining unresolved issues.

Step 1: Release your attachments

I believe this is the most important internal change you can make. Imagine strands of your energy running out from you to all the people and things you rely on to define your identity. One strand may run to a person you love, another to your car, and still a third to your music collection. Some may stretch back in time to people who let you down, while others might reach far into the future, tied to an aspiration or desired possession. Strands might even run to your own body (how you look), or to your thoughts and beliefs (religion, politics, etc.). We can attach ourselves to anything. . . and we do.

Buddha said that we suffer because of our desires and attachments. We attach ourselves to people, things, and outcomes as if they were extensions of ourselves. Then we hold on very tightly (using words, actions, and our will). If another person must respond with the "right" expression, answer, or behavior in order for you to be "happy" or "okay," then you are definitely attached. If events must turn out in a particular way—match the picture in your head—in order for you to be "okay," you are attached. If you still carry unresolved feelings about something that happened in the recent or distant past, you are attached. Those attachments handicap you by causing you to resist change or avoid making choices that might jeopardize a desired outcome.

The only solution is to let go. You must draw back—from your side—the strands of energy that you extend to hold, influence, or control people, things, and outcomes for your own ends. You must let everything and everyone go free.

There are a number of ways to go about releasing attachments. Satchidananda offers a comprehensive Eastern approach in The Yoga Sutra’s of Patanjali and John Randolph Price presents a Western version in A Spiritual Philosophy for the New World. I describe my own set of eight release steps on my website (www.circledancer.com) in an article titled Releasing Attachments. If you discover that you need additional help with this process, some therapists and members of the clergy are able to provide assistance.

Ultimately, we let go of everyone and everything—we die. According to most spiritual traditions, the sooner you release your attachments, the more peace and ease you have in this life. The Native American prophecies provide a little extra incentive. It will be a lot easier to adapt to a changing world once you free yourself.

Step 2: Face and resolve your issues

Another powerful way to simplify your life and prepare for change is to solve any unresolved personal issues (fears, anxieties, judgments, reactions, addictions, compulsions, depression, etc.). The increasing stress and challenge presented during the difficult times ahead is likely to intensify your unresolved issues, making it even harder for you to operate effectively. You would be wise to resolve those issues before those external pressures mount.

Most issues can be resolved by bringing them fully into your awareness, facing and accepting them, and then taking any required actions (e.g., learning a new approach to managing stress). It’s likely that your unresolved issues have already been brought to your attention. If so, perhaps you dismissed them (e.g., I only drink on weekends.) or even defended them (e.g., If you didn’t do what you do, I wouldn’t react the way I do.). Winston Churchill noted that we often stumble over the truth, but we quickly pick ourselves up, brush ourselves off, and hurry on our way. I strongly encourage you to stop and acknowledge the issues that repeatedly trip you up.

You may be able face and resolve your issues on your own, using methods such as introspection, meditation, or journaling. You might even be able to address the issues that arise in your relationship—with your partner’s help. However, if you have trouble facing an issue, or coming up with the means to handle it, you may want to seek the help of a counselor. It always makes sense to remove a rock from your shoe rather than limp along with it, but that’s especially true when the road ahead is likely to be rough and full of unknown twists and turns.

Step 3: Tell the truth

Your personal power comes through representing your true self in the world. Your power with others lies in their being able to count on you and to trust in you. Any lie diminishes your credibility in this world. . . and it diminishes you. Tell the truth at all times, and under all conditions—without exception.

Step 4: Reduce your dependency

In a dependent relationship, another person (a lover, a parent, a child) appears to control the availability of something you desire. That desired thing can be almost anything, but most often it tends to be acceptance, love, or financial support. Dependency occurs when you surrender your own personal power and control in an attempt to obtain the thing you desire. Then, you and the other person both end up feeling bound, unfulfilled, and resentful.

The only way out of dependency is by becoming independent. You are independent when you are willing and able to make your own choices, regardless of the reactions and responses of others. Independence also requires being willing and able to stand alone on your own two feet (e.g., take care of yourself financially).

One of the best indicators of whether you are independent is whether you are willing to address issues that arise in your relationships. If you are reluctant to express the truth to a friend, a colleague, or a partner, you are probably in a dependent relationship. Your life will be very complicated if there are unexpressed negative feelings or unresolved issues present in your relationships. Say what you need to say and make certain you avoid the binding ties of dependency.

Step 5: Remain light-hearted

I saw the Dalai Lama when he visited Salt Lake a few years ago. He walked out on the stage, and everyone in the audience lit up. That didn’t happen because of his importance as a spiritual or political leader. It happened because he came out grinning so excitedly, waving so lovingly. . . with his socks falling down. His lightheartedness was absolutely contagious. I know the Dalai Lama was fully aware of all of the suffering in the world. I’m also certain he was under tremendous pressure to meet with the crowds and deliver his teachings that day. Still, he remained exuberantly light-hearted. It didn’t diminish him one bit, and it elevated all the rest of us.

There is suffering in this world, and maybe even in you own life. According to Native prophecies, it’s likely there will be more. But, your anger, discouragement, and sadness will not diminish that suffering. It will only aggravate and amplify it. It will rob you and those around you of the possibility of perceiving the joy and love that exist right along side the suffering. Be the lightheartedness that brightens even the most difficult times.

* * * * *

Read about Stephen C. Paul here.  We thank Stephen for his permission to use this article in its entirety.  You can read more by him at his website at circledancer.com.


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If You Can't Be the Tablecloth, Don't Be the Dishrag
an excerpt
Patti LaBelle

I learned this principle from my mother, and the older I get, the more I appreciate its wisdom.  Chubby--that's what everybody called her--insisted that everyone in her life treat her with respect.  Though she wasn't wealthy or well educated, my mother not only understood and appreciated her value, but believed in it.  Strongly.  Deeply.  Passionately.

As a result, Chubby never allowed anyone to treat her as though she were second best.  And when I say anyone, I mean anyone.  Not even the people she loved most in the world.  Or I should say especially the people she loved most in the world.

Though she loved my father deeply, when she learned he was cheating on her, she insisted that he move out of our home.  Not the next day or the next week.  The very day Chubby discovered my father had gone back on his promise to be faithful to her, she told him he had to go.  She couldn't forgive him, she said.  Not again.

For months after she put Daddy out, he would come by the house on weekends to see my sisters and me.  When it was tune for him to go, we would beg Chubby to let him come back home.  Her answer was always the same:  not as long as I'm black and the sky's blue.

To me, as a child, Chubby's refusal to take my father back seemed harsh, even cruel.  As a woman, however, I have come to understand it.  For my mother, putting Daddy out of the house and her life wasn't about pride; it was about principle.  The one she had always lived by.  The one she believed in with all her heart:  No one was going to love and respect you unless you loved and respected yourself.


Living Life Fully, the e-zine
exists to try to provide for visitors of the world wide web a place
of growth, peace, inspiration, and encouragement.  Our articles
are presented as thoughts of the authors--by no means do we
mean to present them as ways that anyone has to live life.  Take
from them what you will, and disagree with whatever you disagree
with--just know that they'll be here for you each week.


You want a better position than you now have in business, a better and
fuller place in life.  All right; think of that better place and you in it as
already existing.  Form the mental image.  Keep on thinking of that higher
position, keep the image constantly before you, and--no, you will not
suddenly be transported into the higher job, but you will find that you
are preparing yourself to occupy the better position in life--your body,
your energy, your understanding, your heart will all grow up to the job--
and when you are ready, after hard work, after perhaps years of
preparation, you will get the job and the higher place in life.

Joseph H. Appel

The Seventh Day
Matthew Kelly

The seventh day is an ancient tradition founded and based on our most human needs.  It is a Jewish tradition and a Christian tradition.  Other religious traditions also honor one day of the week as a day of worship and rest.  In this age that has not been kind to tradition, I believe there is a great need to embrace this wonderful, life-giving tradition of the seventh day.

The tradition of the Sabbath emerged from our legitimate need as human beings for rest.  The seventh day tradition upholds, protects, and ensures our legitimate need for rest and relaxation, for a change of pace, for time with family and friends, for time to turn toward the transcendental, and for time to renew our connection with God.  It is a tradition as relevant today as it was five thousand years ago.

The modern conception of life respects only action.  To be spending your time in a worthwhile manner, you must be doing or achieving something.  The crudest and most basic measure of this attitude is moneymaking.  This mind-set affects even the way we spend our recreation time.  People are so caught up in this obsession with action and activity, they feel they must be doing something constantly.  Prayer is an inner activity.  When you pray you take on the appearance of doing nothing.  And because the fruits, benefits, and rewards of prayer are internal, you appear to be achieving nothing.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

Not every person with their eyes closed is asleep, and not every person with their eyes open can see. . . .

Everything happens according to the seasons.  Nature is based on certain cycles.  These cycles are the untapped power of our lives.  If a farmer plants the seed in the winter, will he or she have a crop in the spring?  No, they will have wasted time, effort, energy, and seed.  It is knowledge of the cycles, seasons, and rhythms of nature that makes a farmer successful.

Today, it is common knowledge and practice that a rested field yields a plentiful crop.  I wonder, the first time a farmer decided to let a field rest for a year, did his neighbors and friends say, "Oh, that's a clever idea"?  Absolutely not.  They laughed at him, made fun of him, talked about him behind his back, and thought he was crazy.  The next year, when he brought in his crop from that field, he had the last laugh.  The following year, when there were three or four fields resting, he smiled to himself with a gentle sense of quiet satisfaction.  Ten years later, when every farmer in the district was using the resting field method, he had become a legend.

The cycles of nature hold the untapped power of our lives, too.  As you begin to discover those cycles and live by them, your friends will think you are crazy for leaving the party early, or for passing up "an irresistible opportunity" at work, or for changing the way you spend your Sunday.  But over the weeks, months, and years ahead, as you bring the harvest of your life to be weighed, they will soon see that your way is better.  They will turn to it.  They too will begin to seek the rhythm of life.

The question becomes:  Are you prepared to give your health and happiness priority over your bank balance and your toy collection?  The rhythm of life should be a priority in our lives.  The seventh day as a day of rest is a very powerful tool in creating and maintaining the rhythm of life.  Acknowledge the wisdom behind the Sabbath tradition.  Use this day.  Accept this gift.  Allow this day of rest to regulate your week, to provide a macrorhythm for your life.

Do you ever feel that you just need a day off?  A day to relax, to be with family and friends, to do nothing at all, a day to take it easy?

Embrace the seventh day.  Allow yourself to be renewed and refreshed.  For thousands of years, wise men and women of every culture have been tapping into the power of the Sabbath, in one form or another, to maintain rhythm in their lives.  From this rest and reflection of the seventh day, we emerge with a keen sense of what our priorities are and return to our work and to the world rooted once again in our life principles.

There once lived a man whose name was Jude.  He was an apostle of Jesus Christ and was renowned throughout the region as a wise and deeply spiritual man.  People traveled great distances, venturing across foreign lands, to seek his advice and healing.

One day Jude was relaxing outside his hut when a hunter came by.  The hunter was surprised to see Jude relaxing and rebuffed him for loafing.  It was not the hunter's idea of what a holy man should be doing.

Jude recognized these thoughts running through the hunter's mind and also noticed that the man carried a bow for hunting.  "What is your occupation, sir?"

"I am a hunter," the man replied.

"Very good," Jude said.  "Bend your bow and shoot an arrow."  The man did so.  "Bend it again and shoot another arrow," said Jude.

The hunter did so, again and again.  Finally he complained, "Father, if I keep my bow always stretched, it will break."

"Very good, my child," Jude replied.  "So it is with me and all people.  If we push ourselves beyond measure, we will break.  It is good and right from time to time to relax and re-create ourselves."

If you don't break from the tensions of daily living, they will break you. . . .

There is an art to slowing down.  In our busy world it is not easy to master this art, but it is necessary.  Our lives have a habit of gathering a momentum of their own, plunging forward, with or without our consent.  Learn to slow down and access life.  Take your foot off the accelerator and look about and within.

Slow down.  Breathe deeply.  Reflect deeply.  Pray deeply.  Live deeply.  Otherwise you will spend your life feeling like a bulldozer chasing butterflies or a sparrow in a hurricane.


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Life is a series of choices and as all ideas in this manifested universe are divided as opposites, we can choose the negative ego approach or the positive spiritual approach. . . . From the negative ego approach we learn that we will suffer until we balance our actions and bring our lives into harmony with the laws that govern the universe.  This is called the law of hard knocks or karma.  With the positive spiritual approach we choose to live in obedience to God's will, to live in harmony with universal laws without being pushed into it.  This can be called the school of grace.

Cheryl Canfield


Beauty is an all-pervading presence. It unfolds to the numberless flowers of the Spring; it waves in the branches of the trees and in the green blades of grass; it haunts the depths of the earth and the sea, and gleams out in the hues of the shell and the precious stone.

And not only these minute objects, but the ocean, the mountains, the clouds, the heavens, the stars, the rising and the setting sun all overflow with beauty. The universe is its temple; and those people who are alive to it can not lift their eyes without feeling themselves encompassed with it on every side.

Now, this beauty is so precious, the enjoyment it gives so refined and pure, so congenial without tenderest and noblest feelings, and so akin to worship, that it is painful to think of the multitude of people as living in the midst of it, and living almost as blind to it as if, instead of this fair earth and glorious sky, they were tenants of a dungeon.

An infinite joy is lost to the world by the want of culture of this spiritual endowment. The greatest truths are wronged if not linked with beauty, and they win their way most surely and deeply into the soul when arrayed in this their natural and fit attire.

William Ellery Channing



It's good to have money and the things that money can buy;
but it's good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure
that you haven't lost the things that money can't buy.

George Horace Lorimer



Yes, life can be mysterious and confusing--but there's much of life that's actually rather dependable and reliable.  Some principles apply to life in so many different contexts that they can truly be called universal--and learning what they are and how to approach them and use them can teach us some of the most important lessons that we've ever learned.
My doctorate is in Teaching and Learning.  I use it a lot when I teach at school, but I also do my best to apply what I've learned to the life I'm living, and to observe how others live their lives.  What makes them happy or unhappy, stressed or peaceful, selfish or generous, compassionate or arrogant?  In this book, I've done my best to pass on to you what I've learned from people in my life, writers whose works I've read, and stories that I've heard.  Perhaps these principles can be a positive part of your life, too!
Universal Principles of Living Life Fully.  Awareness of these principles can explain a lot and take much of the frustration out of the lives we lead.