A celebration of the beauty and wonder that is YOU!
The web's most extensive and dynamic collection of
positive and uplifting material.

February, 2024,  marks our twenty-fifth anniversary online!


We've added the Simple and Profound website as a subdomain of this one,
and you can visit the site by clicking here or on the image below.
(Don't go to simpleandprofound.com, as the site is no longer there!)


We have four years' worth of daily meditations available for you!


quotations - contents - welcome page - obstacles
the people behind the words - our current e-zine - articles and excerpts
Daily Meditations, Year One - Year Two - Year Three - Year Four

Sign up for your free daily spiritual or general quotation
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The people behind the words--biographical information and great quotes from great people.

Welcome to a place of peace and positive thoughts and encouragement, here for you all day, every day, where you can have your own refuge from the stress and strife of the daily grind.  Living Life Fully is a place where the love of life never dies; it's here to lift you back up on those days when life may be bringing you down, to keep your spirit uplifted when you feel the need to refresh your perspective, or to help you learn valuable life lessons from people who have been where we are and who have cared enough to teach us what they've learned about life and living.

Aligning our minds with the most compassionate words and
thoughts we can muster can bring connection and a sense of
peace.  For some, it means giving up almost an entire way of life,
but only this will allow glints of joy to shine through.

Laura Berman Fortgang

This passage from the Dalai Lama summarizes well
what we hope you can get from our site:

Although I speak from my own experience, I feel that no one has the
right to impose his or her beliefs on another person.  I will not propose
to you that my way is best.  The decision is up to you.  If you find some
point which may be suitable for you, then you can carry out experiments
for yourself.  If you find that it is of no use, then you can discard it.
*   *   *   *   *

Free inspirational e-books!

Now available for you!
What does it mean to live a full life? How do we stay happy and content in a world that often seems to be throwing more at us than we can handle?  Thirty years in the making, Universal Principles of Living Life Fully explores different aspects of our selves as human beings, aspects that we are able to develop and expand when we need to in order to make ourselves more comfortable in the world we live in. It explores 57 different elements of who we are, from love to mindfulness to adversity to prayer, in an effort to help you to figure out just where to focus your energy and attention when life is being difficult for you.  Use the link to the left for the Kindle edition, or click here for the print edition.
Read more about the book here.



Our daily quotation - Our daily spiritual quotation
(You can receive them daily by email--click on
the link to see a sample.  Sign up here if you'd like.)

Hundreds of useful articles and book escerpts
Available for you here any time
you'd like to read them.


I wake each morning with the thrill of expectation and
the joy of being alive.  And I'm thankful for this day.

Angela L. Wozniak


All contents © Living Life Fully, all rights reserved.
Please feel free to re-use material from this site other than copyrighted articles--
contact each author for permission to use those.  If you use material, it would be
greatly appreciated if you would provide credit and a link back to the original
source, and let us know where the material is published.  Thank you.


We have some inspiring and motivational books that may interest you.  Our main way of supporting this site is through the sale of books, either physical copies or digital copies for your Amazon Kindle (including the online reader).  All of the money that we earn through them comes back to the site in one way or another.  Just click on the picture to the left to visit our page of books, both fiction and non-fiction!




Explore all of our quotations pages--these links will take you to the first page of each topic, and those pages will contain links to any additional pages on the same topic (there are five pages on adversity, for example).

HOME - contents - Daily Meditations - abundance - acceptance - achievement - action - adversity
advertising - aging - ambition- anger - anticipation - anxiety - apathy - appreciation - arrogance
art - attitude - authenticity - awakening - awareness - awe - balance - beauty - being yourself
beliefs - body - brooding - busyness - caring - celebration - challenges -
change - character
charity - children -
choices - Christianity - coincidence - commitment - common sense - community
- compassion - competition - complaining - compliments - compromise - confidence
conformity - conscience - contentment - control - cooperation - courage -
creativity - crisis - criticism - cruelty -  death - decisions - desire - determination - disappointment
discipline - discouragement - diversity - doubt - dreams - earth - education - ego - emotions
encouragement - enlightenment - enthusiasm - envy - eternity - ethics - example - exercise
experience - failure - faith - fame - family - fate - fathers - fault-finding - fear - feelings - finances
flowers - forgiveness - freedom - friendship - frustration - fun - the future - garden of life - gardening
generosity - gentleness - giving - goals - God - goodness - grace - gratitude - greatness - greed - grief
growing up - guilt - habit - happiness - hatred - healing - health - heart - helpfulness - home
honesty - hope - hospitality - humility - hurry - ideals - identity - idleness  - idolatry - ignorance
illusion - imagination - impatience - individuality - the inner child - inspiration - integrity - intimacy
introspection - intuition - jealousy - journey of life - joy - judgment - karma - kindness - knowledge
language - laughter - laziness - leadership - learning - letting go - life - listening - loneliness
love - lying - magic - marriage - materialism - meanness - meditation - mindfulness - miracles
mistakes - mistrust - moderation - money - mothers - motivation - music - mystery - nature
negative attitude - now - oneness - open-mindedness - opportunity - optimism - pain - parenting
passion - the past - patience - peace - perfectionism - perseverance - perspective - pessimism
play - poetry - positive thoughts - possessions - potential - poverty - power - praise - prayer
prejudice - pride - principle - problems - progress - prosperity - purpose - racism - reading - recreation
reflection - relationships - religion - reputation - resentment - respect - responsibility - rest
revenge - risk - role models - running - ruts - sadness - safety - seasons of life - self - self-love
self-pity - self-reliance - self-respect selfishness - serving others - shame - silence - simplicity
slowing down - smiles -solitude - sorrow - spirit - stories - strength - stress - stupidity - success
suffering - talent - the tapestry of life - teachers - thoughts - time - today - tolerance - traditions
trees - trust - truth - unfulfilled dreams - values - vanity - virtue - vulnerability - walking - war
wealth - weight issues - wisdom - women - wonder - work - worry - worship - youth

- summer - fall - winter
Christmas - Thanksgiving - New Year - America - The Tao - Zen sayings
Native American wisdom - The Law of Attraction - Buddhist wisdom
obstacles to living life fully - e-zine archives - quotations contents
our most recent e-zine - Great Thinkers - the people behind the words - articles & excerpts