December 26     

Today's quotation:

Christmas is the time for looking ahead courageously through the gates of the swiftly approaching new year. . . of resolving that the coming months will reflect a kinder, more forgiving and less heedless person than mirrored in the past.

Ellen V. Morgan

Today's Meditation:

Can we take the kindness and compassion of the Christmas season with us throughout the entire year?  Can we wake up each morning with our focus on the beauty of whatever season it happens to be, and allow ourselves to be kind and generous to others?  Can we keep in mind the fact that each day is just as remarkable as the one before and the one to come, and that it's up to us to make it a remarkable part of our lives?

There's no reason to allow the Spirit of Christmas to dissipate in our hearts and minds.  There's no reason for letting life take over who we are and getting so caught up in the hurry and hustle and bustle that we forget to see just how special our lives-- and the lives of those around us-- are.

The Spirit of Christmas is the spirit of kindness, compassion, love, and giving.  These are qualities that we can share with others every single day that we live, be it Christmas or summer or some seemingly uneventful Tuesday.  And it's during this season that we can look inside and figure out just what it is that makes us feel so good, so that we can take that quality with us throughout the year and spread the joy that is this season all the time.

Think of the words that we associate with the season:  joy, hope, peace, love, family, sharing, giving, kindness, compassion-- among others.  Aren't these words and qualities that can benefit our worlds if we bring them with us everywhere we go, all the time?

Questions to consider:

Why do we tend to let Christmas fall into the past each year, rather than carrying it with us?

Which qualities of the Christmas season do you think would benefit others the most if you carried them into the rest of the year?

How might you share your favorite qualities with others?

For further thought:

I wish we could put up some of the Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it every month.

Harlan Miller

more thoughts and ideas on Christmas



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