March 9

Seek the wisdom of the
ages, but look at the
world through the eyes
of a child.

Ron Wild


Today's Meditation:

There is a great attraction in wisdom.  But there's also a great danger in searching out too much wisdom and focusing on logic and intellect, for if we do so we lose the wonder and the awe of the world around us.  If we can see the world through the eyes of a child and experience the wonder of the world, but still remember the wisdom of the world that helps us to deal with problems and obstacles that crop up, we can create a magical balance that can help us to make the world a wonderful experience for us.

The wisdom of the ages tells us to love one another, to help one another, to treat each other well, to trust life, to give our best to all that we do, not to allow worry to overwhelm us, not to allow other people's actions to rob us of our peace of mind, to set our priorities on lasting things instead of fleeting things, not to get caught up in materialism and greed. . . .  The wisdom of the world tells us many things.

Looking at the world through the eyes of a child helps us to see the beauty in things, helps us to see things as special rather than "mundane," keeps us from getting inured to wonder, keeps us from taking things for granted.  And to see the world through such eyes takes a bit of effort, but it's possible for us to try.  It requires us to suspend judgment and accept things for what they are, and to remember the magic that allows a tree to grow a hundred feet tall and not fall over, and to be fascinated by all the cool ants that are scurrying around searching for food and taking it back to their hill.

What a balance!  Find this balance, and you'll find a beautiful way to live, an extraordinary way of looking at the lives we live and the world in which we live.  The wisdom of the ages takes on a completely new set of meanings when considered through the innocent, trusting, and fascinated eyes of a child--which are your eyes, after all.

Questions to consider:

Why do so many of us refuse to think of children as being wise, or separate wisdom and childlike perspectives in our minds?

What can the innocence of a child's perspective offer you as you move through the world?

Are children sometimes wise?  Are wise people sometimes childlike?

For further thought:

Sometimes looking deep into the eyes of a child, you are conscious of meeting a glance full of wisdom.  The child has known nothing yet but love and beauty.  All this piled-up world knowledge you have acquired is unguessed at by her.  And yet you meet this wonderful look that tells you in a moment more than all the years of experience have seemed to teach.

Hildegarde Hawthorne

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