November 21     

Today's quotation:

\\No one who achieves success does so without the help of others.  The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude.

Alfred North Whitehead

Today's Meditation:

We don't always see the people who help us to succeed.  When I've done very well in races, I've never met the people who designed and made the shoes I wore to run a successful race.  When things go well in the classroom, I still haven't met the people who created the textbooks, wrote the novels or poems, or published the material to make it available to me.  A successful business relies on distributors, buyers, customers, marketers, and many more people, including the construction workers who built their building or laid the phone line or cable line for Internet access.

Many people take success for granted, or they attribute it to a very limited number of people.  The fact is, though, that all successes are cumulative, and for that fact the most obvious feeling that we can naturally have is that of gratitude.  If we are wise, we'll acknowledge the gifts of others and feel the gratitude that's appropriate for the help that others have given us, for the foundations that have been built that allow us to create something new and different or to follow our dreams to success.

Gratitude costs us nothing, but it can be the most important element of our lives.  Gratitude acknowledges that we're not alone, that there are things in life to be thankful for, that we see ourselves as part of something bigger than ourselves.  That perspective and the resulting gratitude will also come in handy in our next endeavor, as we've learned the importance of recognizing and acknowledging the fact that others contribute to our success, too.  When we've recognized this fact regularly, then we can make our own contributions that will help others to create their own successes, too.

Questions to consider:

What kinds of help do you get from others?

Do you recognize and appreciate all the people who help you in your work, your business, your studies-- whatever you do?

What does it mean to you to acknowledge the help of others?

For further thought:

Life without thankfulness is devoid of love and passion.  Hope without thankfulness is lacking in fine perception.  Faith without thankfulness lacks strength and fortitude.  Every virtue divorced from thankfulness is maimed and limps along the spiritual road.

John Henry Jowett

more thoughts and ideas on gratitude



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